Friday, January 2, 2015 Nashville, TN – During 2014, employees of Primeritus Financial Services, Inc. worked hard campaigning and giving for their favorite charities. Primeritus CEO, Chuck Tapp said “Our employees held a highly successful Red Cross Blood Drive; a walk to raise money and awareness for the American Diabetes Association.” Tapp continued, “We end the year with our annual holiday donation to A Special Wish Foundation®, giving special wishes to children with a life-threatening illness.” Since March of 2014, Primeritus employees donated 62 units of blood, with another drive scheduled in December. Brandie Spradley, Donor Resources Representative with the American Red Cross in Tennessee explains “Many donors and partners don’t realize that our blood is pre-committed to a hospital in advance.” Spradley continues, “Hospitals schedule all of their surgeries, procedures, cancer treatments and such around what we tell them we will collect. Primeritus donors have been extremely helpful not just to the Red Cross, but to the patients we serve. Thank you all so very much!” “On November 8th, Primeritus employees participated in the annual walk supporting the American Diabetes Association,” said Tapp. “With nearly 10% of the population having some form of diabetes, it remains the 7th leading cause of death in the United States. Eight out of every 100 adults in Tennessee have diabetes, which ranks us the 6th highest state in the nation.” A Special Wish Foundation, Inc. is another organization that is close to our hearts, especially during the holidays,” Tapp continues, “We again selected A Special Wish Foundation as one of several charities which we were pleased to have donated to throughout 2014.” Primeritus EVP, Joe Mappes, explains, “A Special Wish Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to granting the wishes of children and youths under the age of 21. Whenever possible, immediate family members are included in the granting of wishes, to maximize the joy and memories for the child. Primeritus is both extremely glad and proud to support an organization that creates a place for children to be gifted with their dreams.” Mappes adds, “We take tremendous pride in having the opportunity to not only work with the aforementioned organizations but to also work alongside several other charities as selected by our own employees this past year. We intend on continuing to be active with charities that provide both local and national fulfillment during 2015 as well.”
About American Diabetes Assocation: The mission of the American Diabetes Association is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. For more information on American Diabetes Assocation, please visit About American Red Cross Blood Drive: The American Red Cross was founded on the simple idea of neighbors helping neighbors in time of need. The Red Cross ensures an ongoing blood supply to people facing emergencies, provide humanitarian support to families in need and prepare communities by teaching lifesaving skills. Red Cross brings more than 50 years of blood collection and transfusion experience, deep community connections and a network of nationwide resources. For more information on American Diabetes Assocation, please visit About A Special Wish Foundation: A Special Wish Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to granting the wishes of children under the age of 21 who have been diagnosed with a life-threatening disorder. Founded in 1982, A Special Wish Foundation was one of the first wish-granting organizations in the United States, and now has chapters across the U.S. and one in Moscow, Russia. Since 1982, wishes have been granted to thousands of qualifying children. For more information on American Diabetes Assocation, please visit About Primeritus Financial Services: Primeritus Financial Services is a national provider of repossession management, remarketing, title services and skip tracing services to the auto finance industry in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Primeritus Financial Services provides its clients with value-added, outsourced repossession management and skip tracing services, leveraging a national network of certified agents and unique investigative techniques to quickly and reliably secure customers’ collateral. Through leadership, service and performance, Primeritus Financial Services offer the trifecta of repossession services: locate, recover and remarket. For more information on Primeritus Financial Services, please visit Media Contact Joe Mappes, EVP Sales, Service and Marketing PRIMERITUS FINANCIAL SERVICES (615) 762-2587 sponsor banner
2014news1 KEITH BAGGETT, Vice President of Industry Relations participated in the Primeritus blood drive.